Tricks in the name of science
Smokey Entertainment
Due to the use of pyrotechnics and smoke, particularly in the Big Bang finale, the venue will need a minimum of 3m headroom and adequate ventilation.
See PricingProfessor Seltsam, a senior lecturer of applied absurdity, would like to show you his latest experiments. His lecture in the science party, involves audience participation, explosions, smoke, danger to himself and juggling on a pogo-stick.
The circus- science show lasts about 45 minutes and is a mixture of visual and verbal humour. You can also hire our nutty professor for an extra 45 minutes to provide an engaging juggling workshop after the show. Juggling is featured in the science show. Other circus skills will also be available to try including, plate spinning, diabolo and flowersticks.
Some sensitive children may find the show scary and may jump at the noise of the big bang which is a very loud pyrotechnic. However, more confident younger children will laugh throughout and find the noise hilarious.
Impressive tricks such as teleportation, lying on broken glass, juggling on a pogo stick, incredible illusions and the use of awesome pyro-technics whilst creating the theory of the big bang.
Smokey Entertainment
Due to the use of pyrotechnics and smoke, particularly in the Big Bang finale, the venue will need a minimum of 3m headroom and adequate ventilation.
See Pricing